Monday, August 8, 2011

NATIONAL DEBT - The National Debt Counter

NATIONAL DEBT - The National Debt Counter. The counter on the national debt, which is also known as the debt clock is a screen the size of a billboard bearing a resemblance to a digital clock that keeps a running total that is constantly updated the current status of debt U.S. crude, as well as each family in the United States share of that debt. You will find this display on Sixth Avenue in Manhattan, New York.

Seymour Durst is the mind behind the counter as this developer wanted to bring to light the growing number of U.S. national debt. The first installation of the meter of the public debt was financed by Durst and installs in the street 42, which is close to Times Square in New York. It was during this time that the U.S. national debt was under three trillion, but it was higher. During the period 2000 - 2002, the clock was turned off as the national debt came to be falling at the time.

The original debt clock was dismantled in 2004 and a new clock was built was to be located one block from the original clock. There were numerous press reports in 2008 that the U.S. national debt had risen to over 10 billion dollars and the first watch does not have enough digits. The first counter of the national debt exceeded Seymour Durst, who died in 1995. Douglas Durst son took over the operation and maintenance of the clock, on behalf of the Durst Organization. Jonathan Douglas Durst Primo is currently in the process of taking over the daily operations as President of this organization. In a recent interview, Jonathan Durst claimed that there would be maintenance on the counter of the national debt for a long time.

The watch is a first of its kind with a counter operation and has been the inspiration for other projects throughout the United States and other countries around the world. There are also several sources that are in line with the national debt.

The counter debt has also inspired a number of non-debt-oriented projects. Most projects related to electronic billboards. There were posters of this kind as to keep track of the amount of electricity that certain companies are using, and billboards to jeopardize the amount of money spent in various situations.

No matter how you look at the clock is a source of inspiration for Americans and Americans do not get a better view of how money in your country is being spent. It has also inspired more public awareness about many different topics and how they spend the money of large corporations and how money can affect some important situations. The counter on the national debt will be a news source not only of America but a worldwide in the coming years, as long as the U.S. continues to carry such a large debt.

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